
Lost phone? Find it with OnlyKey

Lost phone? Find it with OnlyKey

Have you ever checked your pocket expecting to find the single most important digital asset in your life just to find nothing? This eventually happens to all of us, recently this happened to me. I am the founder of the...


Introducing OnlyKey DUO: The world’s first tiny, portable security key that protects your accounts & works with all your USB-C & USB-A devices right out of the box!

Introducing OnlyKey DUO: The world’s first tiny, portable security key that protects your accounts & works with all your USB-C & USB-A devices right out of the box!

Today we are pleased to announce the OnlyKey DUO launch on Kickstarter! With the same features users love about OnlyKey, OnlyKey DUO is one of the most versatile security keys available and in a small form factor that now supports...
